Anyways I found a cool website called: Super Cook (
You tell the recipe engine what ingredients you have and it pulls up recipes with only those ingredients! Kinda fun :)
I came across Dutch Babies, read the instructions; looked easy enough, turned on some Owl City and set to work.
You need:
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup milk
- 1 tablespoon granulated sugar or honey
- 4 eggs
- 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
- an oven safe pan
- an oven
- a mixing bowl
- a fork (for mixing)
add the sugar and eggs one at a time until each is blended well.
when the oven is warm melt the butter in your pan and when the butter is melted pour in the batter. Now you wait 25 min:
I literally sat on my kitchen floor looking through the oven door as my Dutch Babies baked, I'm such a little kid!
Once they finished I quickly opened the oven door only to get a blast of heat to the face and had to wait for the fog on my glasses to clear.
This is the result ^
after adding a little syrup the vote is in: I will certainly make these again and Griff will get to taste them :) plus they have the Carbs for quick energy and protein for muscle recovery (pretty much every meal includes chicken in one form or another for Griff).
Overall I would cook them for about 20 min and possibly use a smaller pan.
Kylie Ann
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