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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Blog :)

So this is officially my first blog ever! K, not really but first here and first one I've really wanted to post. :)
I'm at school, nothing new, but something that is new: I have a hammock! it's the greatest thing ever! It's six feet long and six feet two inches wide so I fit in it :D. BTW it's hanging under my bed. Don't worry daddy the boys down the hall hung it for me so it's not coming off anytime soon :).
^( Totally Enjoying the Hammock Although a little worried about falling out still lol!)

Classes are going pretty good. Some days are rough and getting up is hard but even worse is the food. I'm surprised that I've kept my weight because the food is absolutely horrid! Every once in a while they make something amazing like the pasta I had last night; Chicken marinated in a white wine mushroom sauce. It was by far one of the best things I've had this year.

Music: I'm learning a bunch of new songs and loving every minute I get with my guitar. But even better is the new development I've made in music. I met a guy in my ward named Drew, he plays the piano and guitar AND he sings. He also writes music and has been looking for a female vocalist......so when he found out I have been singing for practically my whole life and that I play the guitar he had me learn a song called 9 Crimes by Damien Rice. On Sunday we sang it together for the first time ( its a duet accompanied by the piano ) and he liked it enough that he wants to record it!

Dorm life is going pretty good, I get along with my roommate perfectly at least I don't think I bug her too bad ;). There hasn't really been any more problems with drinking so that's nice. And the problem with Human Feces has stopped lol! But there's been a lot of robbery. Luckily my roommate and I haven't lost anything.

Church is always fun. I'm on the Enrichment Board .... thing it's kinda fun but we haven't really done anything. Oh wait, we did do something lol! On Sunday we had dinner for the Priesthood and the dinner turned out really nice and helped some of the guys so it was good.

Well I'm done for now.

1 comment:

Alishia said...

Very good blog! Hurray! I miss you and I love hearing all that is going on in your life!